Why can't I say nigger? I don't understand the controversy over the word. Its a word, yes man used it against the darker man to degrade them but isn't the word stupid the same exact thing. When I call someone stupid, am I not putting them down? Lowering their self-esteem? There is worst words out there and the fact NAACP can come in and bury the word Nigger is so cliche. Not once did you hear NAACP offer to ban the word cracker and spic or any other degrading word that could possibly be more damaging. Don't get me wrong I wonder why a white kid in this generation will say "What's up ma nigga?" but come on, we've moved along with what the meaning is said to be. People take things to the heart and it causes a dark cloud of ignorance to surface around our pretty little heads. There are way worst things going on that need to be taken care of than the banishment of a word similar to stupid, dumb or the opposite of beautiful. People sit here and blabber about how it hurts their souls when someone says the word nigger, and how painful it is for us to hear it. You were not there during the time that word appeared, you didn't get the beatings our ancestors endured, you didn't have to work harsh days with the blazing sun beating on your naked back, knowing that you wouldn't see your children again because they were going to be sold off on market day. You went through nothing the black slaves from the around the world went through. So if someone decides to call me a NIGGER, I rather be proud because the roads my ancestors paved are being walked upon, to classify me as a Nigger makes me remember that I am where I am today because of them, well off, not in need and know how to defend myself. So if anyone decides to say look at that nigger over there, I will smile and say yes please do look at me because in the end I've made it out okay and if the black slaves from a long time ago can endure the word, so can we. Its really that simple.
Signed By
That Nigger From Around The Way
Signed By
That Nigger From Around The Way
1 comment:
Nigga!!!! nigga what? nigga who? that nigga owe me 5 dollars!
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