This is a nice color but I do wonder where I might find the rest of my heels...
know everyone has been through the stage of when you ask your parents for shoes they tell you to wear fig leaves...didn't know designers would run with it? Literally!

Now this is the perfect show for those who use to run home at to see what Ash and Pikachu was up to that day, never missing the 3pm episode, big question was How did we make it possible if class got out at 2:45pm????
Don't you hate when your parents question why you have so many shoes??? and how you don't wear
them all, whoever owns this bike begs to differ!

where'd you find these pics?? I'e definetly rock the fig leaves! Lmaooo
i was thinking you were gonna do the pokemon one....remember those days Mz.Restricted, running home from Ms.K trying to go watch pokemon
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