Saturday, March 28, 2009

I'd Rather Be Naked!

Now I'm sure we all have heard about the Kardashians

I for one admire them, they seem very real and they don't let controversy hit them where it shouldn't. The family is very cool and they have this love for each other that's hard to find in homes nowadays. While watching one of their shows about an hour or so ago, I watch how Khloe Kardashian overcame insecurities while taking nude shots for PETA. a photoshoot for stopping wearing fur campaign. Now Khloe for some odd reason believes that she didn't have the right body image, sweety! are you crazy? you were hot! lol

for what she claims to be a big girl, she has the right everything. Its sad sometimes to see society fuck up a persons mind about weight, no says anything to the underweight stick next to the girl in the size 14 jeans.

but i admired the risk she took and it came out wonderful, go khloe!!!!

Khloe Kardashian

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