This is like the song for every female to stand by, I'm tired of seeing beautiful woman, myself included holding onto a man or even people and things in general. But this song works more for the female/male love.
Never Ever-Ciara
But I, gotta come down to earth,
I don't wanna But I, gotta let you go,
but baby I dont wanna And I,
I gotta see, that you and me, ain't meant to be
That's why I tell myself
If that boy don't love you by now
He will never ever, never ever love you
He will never ever, never ever love you
If that boy don't love you by now
He will never ever, never ever love you
He will never ever, never ever love you
We (females) if not strong YET think the person doing most harm meaning in ways of just plain old usage and not being treated the way we know we should be treated, decided to stick with a person who only gives you some kind of love and affection for the given moment. Why do men think with their penis or is it just we attarct them and find that they are much easier to catch than the educated man, with the goals who rather wine and dine us, have a thrill at the chase. I'll take an educated man anyday but not all educated men are this way, we still see the oy syndrome in most. Is life really Love, Marriage and Kids, we all saw how Al Bundy lived on his oh so realistic life on Married with ...Children, the theme song was excellent to show the points of life.
Love and Marriage-Frank Sinatra
Love and marriage,
love and marriage
Go together like a horse and carriage
This I tell you brother
You cant have one without the other
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