Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I'd Rather Be Naked!

Now I'm sure we all have heard about the Kardashians
I for one admire them, they seem very real and they don't let controversy hit them where it shouldn't. The family is very cool and they have this love for each other that's hard to find in homes nowadays. While watching one of their shows about an hour or so ago, I watch how Khloe Kardashian overcame insecurities while taking nude shots for PETA. a photoshoot for stopping wearing fur campaign. Now Khloe for some odd reason believes that she didn't have the right body image, sweety! are you crazy? you were hot! lol
for what she claims to be a big girl, she has the right everything. Its sad sometimes to see society fuck up a persons mind about weight, no says anything to the underweight stick next to the girl in the size 14 jeans.
but i admired the risk she took and it came out wonderful, go khloe!!!!
I for one admire them, they seem very real and they don't let controversy hit them where it shouldn't. The family is very cool and they have this love for each other that's hard to find in homes nowadays. While watching one of their shows about an hour or so ago, I watch how Khloe Kardashian overcame insecurities while taking nude shots for PETA. a photoshoot for stopping wearing fur campaign. Now Khloe for some odd reason believes that she didn't have the right body image, sweety! are you crazy? you were hot! lol
for what she claims to be a big girl, she has the right everything. Its sad sometimes to see society fuck up a persons mind about weight, no says anything to the underweight stick next to the girl in the size 14 jeans.
but i admired the risk she took and it came out wonderful, go khloe!!!!
Khloe Kardashian
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Tear Tear
youtube can break a girls only ::whispers:: 20 and i took a trip down memory lane this week and went looking for old videos of tv shows that were so good back in the day.
I quickly found so much stuff and was uploading them senseless on facebook...i know my friends were probably like this bitch!
but i found pepperann, i was dissappointed though the vid i wanted wasnt there
its when her coach tells the class to get support and she mistakens that for a bra, so the next day she shows up ready after an excruicating day searching at the mall.
when the coach asked to see who has support and everyone partners up
good one
now is it me or were they bad guys screaming in pain before tommy kicked them.
i remember neighborhood and sesame street, barney and scary ass teletubbies....
Recess and hey arnold
my friend mz.restricted actually informed that Arnold from hey arnold was character first on sesame street who never spoke and then he got his own cool!
a couple of months ago i watched sesame streets presents:follow that bird, big bird
now when youre four its like cool
when youre in youre a young adult its like wtf! this shit is
in the movie counts vehicles licesnce plate read "12345678910"
but seriously instead of worrying about the recession i rather watch the tv show dinosaurs!
I quickly found so much stuff and was uploading them senseless on facebook...i know my friends were probably like this bitch!
but i found pepperann, i was dissappointed though the vid i wanted wasnt there
its when her coach tells the class to get support and she mistakens that for a bra, so the next day she shows up ready after an excruicating day searching at the mall.
when the coach asked to see who has support and everyone partners up
good one
now is it me or were they bad guys screaming in pain before tommy kicked them.
i remember neighborhood and sesame street, barney and scary ass teletubbies....
Recess and hey arnold
my friend mz.restricted actually informed that Arnold from hey arnold was character first on sesame street who never spoke and then he got his own cool!
a couple of months ago i watched sesame streets presents:follow that bird, big bird
now when youre four its like cool
when youre in youre a young adult its like wtf! this shit is
in the movie counts vehicles licesnce plate read "12345678910"
but seriously instead of worrying about the recession i rather watch the tv show dinosaurs!
Oh Come On

So word on the newsstands is...
Blender magazine is going to stop publication on the print version in april.
seriously guys, like i know technology is here but what about if im on the train and i need something to wipe my seat....i mean am i going to know about ludacris and fergie and upcoming artist to write nonsense crap about them on here....
Solution:i guess i have to visit the website but i dont wannaaaaaaa
i wanna leaf through the pages and cut pictures to make collages, now i have to waste my ink to do that....
ima get a new hobby....virtual yoyo it is!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Even Though I'm Lying On My Back, I'm Never Backing Down

BET’s College Hill is a successful brand of reality TV. This half-hour reality series follows the lives of eight college students studying at various prestigious universities. They live, learn, love, laugh, and experience life as young adults together under one roof for approximately one semester. Wikepedia
Tonight, March 24th, College Hill premiered. In being the sixth season, I nominated it for best drama. Simple questions sparked animosity while know-it-alls sparked retaliation. "Are you gay?" to the response of "Are those that jeans?" As one flame was put out, a flame was struck when the College Hill cast recieved gifts from BET welcoming them into their new home for the semester. STRIP OR DIE. While all the females jump into the pool for a relaxing moment, the dudes look on in content. Brandon the hearthrob decides he can't be left out in this estrogen-filled pool. Brandon and Tiffany definetly have their eyes on each other, but when Terri notices Brandon's body, she's just discovered the man of her dreams. Her husband to be is right in front of her.
After a one night stand with Terri, Brandon goes off to school, realizes his mistake and decides to cool off. Only allowing Terri to rage on about how perfect she thought their relationship could be and why he would do her so. She then decides that everyone else is to blame, and not her whore-thrashing ways. Being the perfect Stepford wife that she was, she not only ironed his clothes for school, but made his bed too. How dare he leave a Stepford woman? Yeah right! Quixotic is cute-Crazy is just plain insane. After making a phone call to her mother, who tells her that her best solution is to call her ghetto cousin, Terri pops off at her roomate in defense of her emotions right before picking up the pool stick and .... to be continued next Tuesday at 10pm.
Tonight, March 24th, College Hill premiered. In being the sixth season, I nominated it for best drama. Simple questions sparked animosity while know-it-alls sparked retaliation. "Are you gay?" to the response of "Are those that jeans?" As one flame was put out, a flame was struck when the College Hill cast recieved gifts from BET welcoming them into their new home for the semester. STRIP OR DIE. While all the females jump into the pool for a relaxing moment, the dudes look on in content. Brandon the hearthrob decides he can't be left out in this estrogen-filled pool. Brandon and Tiffany definetly have their eyes on each other, but when Terri notices Brandon's body, she's just discovered the man of her dreams. Her husband to be is right in front of her.
After a one night stand with Terri, Brandon goes off to school, realizes his mistake and decides to cool off. Only allowing Terri to rage on about how perfect she thought their relationship could be and why he would do her so. She then decides that everyone else is to blame, and not her whore-thrashing ways. Being the perfect Stepford wife that she was, she not only ironed his clothes for school, but made his bed too. How dare he leave a Stepford woman? Yeah right! Quixotic is cute-Crazy is just plain insane. After making a phone call to her mother, who tells her that her best solution is to call her ghetto cousin, Terri pops off at her roomate in defense of her emotions right before picking up the pool stick and .... to be continued next Tuesday at 10pm.
Chris Brown,
College hill,
Oops! I just twotted!
Oh boy
I just realized that the 20 somethings of this generation use more bytes than talk. We text, we network, we cyberchat.
Facebook is whats up, well not with the changes every other day
But the best one is TWITTER
a network just for thoughts, nothing extra, just my one line thought.
"N.Kisses just peed @ 2:53pm reply"
we are reliant to the gigabytes the world allows us, thank god for resistance!!!! ha i went to engineering classes this week
aw man! check this out
I just realized that the 20 somethings of this generation use more bytes than talk. We text, we network, we cyberchat.
Facebook is whats up, well not with the changes every other day
But the best one is TWITTER
a network just for thoughts, nothing extra, just my one line thought.
"N.Kisses just peed @ 2:53pm reply"
we are reliant to the gigabytes the world allows us, thank god for resistance!!!! ha i went to engineering classes this week
aw man! check this out
Monday, March 23, 2009
DL Brutha Manifesto
I got this from and thought I'd share it with you guys....this is how some of the ::whispers:: dl brothers think. ENJOY!
March 23, 2009. One of’s readers – a self proclaimed “DL Brotha” sent us the following essay – describing why he does what he does. We’re gonna call it the “DL Brutha Manifesto”. Here you go ladies, you might need to send this to a few girlfriends…
First of all, I would like to say emphatically that to all black women - I LOVE YOU!!!!. I respect you. I adore you. To me, there is nothing more powerful nor more sexy nor more divine than seeing you walk proudly in the sunlight of your blackness, your femininity, your sexuality, your sass, your strength, and your spirituality.But sometimes, I want to taste a man.....It's not that I'm gay, homosexual, bisexual or any of those things. I don't claim any of those titles and so if you ask me if I'm gay, homo, or bi - I'll tell you "No". I'm just a brother that knows what he likes. That's all.Now, if you ask me if I have sex with men, I'll tell you "No". Yes, I know that lying is wrong and God don't like ugly. But, if I laid with you, and made sweet love to you, and then told you that sometimes I like to go inside a wouldn't want me. Our relationship would be over. And, more than likely, you would "warn" your friends about me. And so, I lie. Not because I am trying to deceive you, but because I just don't think you need to know. All it will do is destroy what we have. You see, honesty is not as simple as you think....One day I'll stop, I'll settle down with my black queen. I can't promise that I'll completely stop experiencing men. There's just something about it that draws me. But, I do know that I won't do it nearly as much. Well, I don't know that, but I don't think I'll do it as much. To the woman I will one day marry : I promise to be a good husband, and a good father to our children, and a good grandfather to our children. I'll love you, and protect you, and cherish you, and make you laugh, and dry your tears, try to give you the kind of home you have always wanted, and do my best to make your life as happy as it can be.But sometimes, I'll still want a man...... Now this is some mess right here ….
March 23, 2009. One of’s readers – a self proclaimed “DL Brotha” sent us the following essay – describing why he does what he does. We’re gonna call it the “DL Brutha Manifesto”. Here you go ladies, you might need to send this to a few girlfriends…
First of all, I would like to say emphatically that to all black women - I LOVE YOU!!!!. I respect you. I adore you. To me, there is nothing more powerful nor more sexy nor more divine than seeing you walk proudly in the sunlight of your blackness, your femininity, your sexuality, your sass, your strength, and your spirituality.But sometimes, I want to taste a man.....It's not that I'm gay, homosexual, bisexual or any of those things. I don't claim any of those titles and so if you ask me if I'm gay, homo, or bi - I'll tell you "No". I'm just a brother that knows what he likes. That's all.Now, if you ask me if I have sex with men, I'll tell you "No". Yes, I know that lying is wrong and God don't like ugly. But, if I laid with you, and made sweet love to you, and then told you that sometimes I like to go inside a wouldn't want me. Our relationship would be over. And, more than likely, you would "warn" your friends about me. And so, I lie. Not because I am trying to deceive you, but because I just don't think you need to know. All it will do is destroy what we have. You see, honesty is not as simple as you think....One day I'll stop, I'll settle down with my black queen. I can't promise that I'll completely stop experiencing men. There's just something about it that draws me. But, I do know that I won't do it nearly as much. Well, I don't know that, but I don't think I'll do it as much. To the woman I will one day marry : I promise to be a good husband, and a good father to our children, and a good grandfather to our children. I'll love you, and protect you, and cherish you, and make you laugh, and dry your tears, try to give you the kind of home you have always wanted, and do my best to make your life as happy as it can be.But sometimes, I'll still want a man...... Now this is some mess right here ….
Creativity Can Be Scary

This is a nice color but I do wonder where I might find the rest of my heels...
know everyone has been through the stage of when you ask your parents for shoes they tell you to wear fig leaves...didn't know designers would run with it? Literally!

Now this is the perfect show for those who use to run home at to see what Ash and Pikachu was up to that day, never missing the 3pm episode, big question was How did we make it possible if class got out at 2:45pm????
Don't you hate when your parents question why you have so many shoes??? and how you don't wear
them all, whoever owns this bike begs to differ!

Thursday, March 19, 2009
I do things for people, because I am just nice like that but what happens when people walk all over me and just turn their backs like I was never there for them.
Naive: deficient in worldly wisdom or informed judgment
In my lifetime only a few people I can honestly say has been there for me. I thank you guys.
Then there are the people who are nowhere to be found or the ones who let you go for awhile because the give and take just don't work with them.
Can I name names in this blog? I can but I rather not. In the life i'm living now I rather not make enemies but secretly plot their demise, oh yes! when i'm hushed for long periods of time, your fate is at stake.
total sidebar- the boy next to me is on, I guess everyone is into gossip...whoop whoop, can't wait for my website created with some of my friends, up and running
watch out for TalkShitNYC...
oh and the boy just informed his friend that Cleveland from Family Guy is getting his own show, lol how weird. Ok minding my own business now.
But back to blogging about moi!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
I Didnt Know....sigh!
So guys I currently follow mediatakeout and other gossip websitesBut to my shocking dismay there was this one girl, who kept commenting on this Kim K/Reggie Bush photo and it was like umm ok chick you dont like them move on. But this girl went in wishing aids upon Kim K. Umm, I believe this girl mustve stood in line for hours waiting for an autograph and he just walked on by.
Then goes into a whole thing of why black men are dating white woman and vice versa and blah blah. What ticked me off was the issue of why can't I date a white man, I don't get it. Why must I be only with a black man as long as i'm doing something wrong.
Who chooses the color or race that we date? So i'm black, I HAVE to stick with a black man? Like I really don't get it, once more I had to repeat that.
Then theres the issue of the raunchy video Kim K came out with, when dating her ex-boyfriend RayJ. This makes her a whore many say, umm they are in a relationship, if filming ones passion is how you role how is that a crime. Half these people who sit and complain, jabber and disapprove to high hell, know they have like 5 unfinished vhs of their own.
Another thing someone said "I hate her because she has money doing nothing" Actually Kim K models, she owns a store/business and her mama is rich
I'm pretty sure the guys AIG who do nothing all day also but get great bonuses from stealing from stocks deserve that same hate if not more.
Alot of people forget if you were a celeb how exactly would you be acting or if you were born with millions of dollars already in your bank account, im pretty sure you wouldn't get a 9-5. CELEBRITIES ARE HUMANS TOO YOU KNOW!I'll come back on the mixed dating, that's a whole another story waiting to be touched.
For enjoyment purposes, check out the new pics featured in GQ Magazine of Reggie Bush and Kim K!
Then goes into a whole thing of why black men are dating white woman and vice versa and blah blah. What ticked me off was the issue of why can't I date a white man, I don't get it. Why must I be only with a black man as long as i'm doing something wrong.
Who chooses the color or race that we date? So i'm black, I HAVE to stick with a black man? Like I really don't get it, once more I had to repeat that.
Then theres the issue of the raunchy video Kim K came out with, when dating her ex-boyfriend RayJ. This makes her a whore many say, umm they are in a relationship, if filming ones passion is how you role how is that a crime. Half these people who sit and complain, jabber and disapprove to high hell, know they have like 5 unfinished vhs of their own.
Another thing someone said "I hate her because she has money doing nothing" Actually Kim K models, she owns a store/business and her mama is rich
I'm pretty sure the guys AIG who do nothing all day also but get great bonuses from stealing from stocks deserve that same hate if not more.
Alot of people forget if you were a celeb how exactly would you be acting or if you were born with millions of dollars already in your bank account, im pretty sure you wouldn't get a 9-5. CELEBRITIES ARE HUMANS TOO YOU KNOW!I'll come back on the mixed dating, that's a whole another story waiting to be touched.
For enjoyment purposes, check out the new pics featured in GQ Magazine of Reggie Bush and Kim K!
Quote of My Day #10
"To achieve great things we must live as if we were never going to die."-Marquis de Vauvenargues
Recently Opened & Etc.

415 W. 14th St., between Ninth Ave. and Washington St.
Minor Description:
The First Williamson U.S. flagship store, featuring his award-winning, cutting-edge clothing.
Coming Soon! (Wednesday)
District New York
259 Bleecker St.
Minor Description:
A one-stop shop for brand-name watches and accessories,

including Diesel, Kidrobot, EOS New York and more.
Long Bead Star Necklace
Price:$195.00 [Lets hope that was a typo]
AM Newspaper,
EOS New York,
Matthew Williamson
Monday, March 16, 2009
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Quote Of My Day#8
"You can do what you have to do, and sometimes you can do it even better than you think you can." Jimmy Carter
Friday, March 13, 2009

I love watching weddiing shows, like I just live for them. Someone hand me $50,000 and trust I can give you a wedding by saturday and thats 41mins from now, but has anyone seen that show Brideszilla, oh my lord!
These people are borderline insane, QUIXOTIC I say!
It is absurd how onewill go to treat the people who are helping fund this wedding or even worse to watch the husbands to be, be so mistreated. They are treated as mere humanized ATM cards then considered how they feel through the ordeal of finally settling down with the love of their life.
The episode that inspired me to even write about this had a runaway groom, talk about tough, all because the daughter of the bride was a class A bitch! Sucks to have your mom run off to Vegas with the guy who stood her up in front of family and friends the day before.

"I guess till anger management we part"
Quote of My Day#7
A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, alwayswith the same person.-Mignon McLaughlin
Thursday, March 12, 2009

This is like the song for every female to stand by, I'm tired of seeing beautiful woman, myself included holding onto a man or even people and things in general. But this song works more for the female/male love.
Never Ever-Ciara
But I, gotta come down to earth,
I don't wanna But I, gotta let you go,
but baby I dont wanna And I,
I gotta see, that you and me, ain't meant to be
That's why I tell myself
If that boy don't love you by now
He will never ever, never ever love you
He will never ever, never ever love you
If that boy don't love you by now
He will never ever, never ever love you
He will never ever, never ever love you
We (females) if not strong YET think the person doing most harm meaning in ways of just plain old usage and not being treated the way we know we should be treated, decided to stick with a person who only gives you some kind of love and affection for the given moment. Why do men think with their penis or is it just we attarct them and find that they are much easier to catch than the educated man, with the goals who rather wine and dine us, have a thrill at the chase. I'll take an educated man anyday but not all educated men are this way, we still see the oy syndrome in most. Is life really Love, Marriage and Kids, we all saw how Al Bundy lived on his oh so realistic life on Married with ...Children, the theme song was excellent to show the points of life.
Love and Marriage-Frank Sinatra
Love and marriage,
love and marriage
Go together like a horse and carriage
This I tell you brother
You cant have one without the other
Read, Read, Read

Geez louise, I swear books are great. Everytime I read I get a great new idea for another book, I need a tape recorder. I got ideas up the wahzoo! lol
But will my books be great? Who exactly will run to Barnes and Noble searching for "Silent Heartbeats" to find out exactly what happened? Will New York Times gave me, little old me a raving review?
But you know what in the end I have faith in myself, I will truly inspire readers, the way certain books inspired me.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Monday, March 9, 2009
Quote of My Day #3

Sunday, March 8, 2009
Quote of My Day #2

The sound of a kiss is not so loud as that of a cannon, but its echo lasts a great deal longer.Oliver Wendell Holmes
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Quote of My Day #1
What Really Grinds My Gear?
I hate people who don’t realize the things you do for them. They become so use being pampered that anger strikes when denied a piece of candy.
I hate guys who try to talk to you in the street and when you don’t respond or choose to turn down their offers of “I’ll be your man”, they instantaneously start bad talking you “You ain’t all that anyway” Last I checked I gave you know mind in the first place and just cause you are crushed , your ego will do anything to patch itself up.
There is always that larger than life person who somehow finds the need to squish their butts in a teeny space of a seat.
The moms who cannot keep their kids in check, if your child peanut butter covered hands does not move away from my jeans in t minus 9 seconds, I will shove their fingers in their cute little noses.
The people who feel the need to tell me how cute a kid is? If I do not naturally coo, your judgment is worst than a blind man trying to cross Interstate 90 on a unicycle with two wheels.
I hate people who call you, you then miss the call, then they text you and say “Hey why didn’t you answer your phone?” Now if I answer that text message, I will not be doing a good job of ignoring you completely.
I hate rhetorical questions, when they aren’t funny. Like I will still answer and then you’ll say it was rhetorical, and I will look at you and say I will still answer.
I dislike non-funny people, or people who think their funny and its like huh? was that the actual joke!?
I cannot even remember more of the things I hate. BRB
I hate guys who try to talk to you in the street and when you don’t respond or choose to turn down their offers of “I’ll be your man”, they instantaneously start bad talking you “You ain’t all that anyway” Last I checked I gave you know mind in the first place and just cause you are crushed , your ego will do anything to patch itself up.
There is always that larger than life person who somehow finds the need to squish their butts in a teeny space of a seat.
The moms who cannot keep their kids in check, if your child peanut butter covered hands does not move away from my jeans in t minus 9 seconds, I will shove their fingers in their cute little noses.
The people who feel the need to tell me how cute a kid is? If I do not naturally coo, your judgment is worst than a blind man trying to cross Interstate 90 on a unicycle with two wheels.
I hate people who call you, you then miss the call, then they text you and say “Hey why didn’t you answer your phone?” Now if I answer that text message, I will not be doing a good job of ignoring you completely.
I hate rhetorical questions, when they aren’t funny. Like I will still answer and then you’ll say it was rhetorical, and I will look at you and say I will still answer.
I dislike non-funny people, or people who think their funny and its like huh? was that the actual joke!?
I cannot even remember more of the things I hate. BRB
Friday, March 6, 2009
Silly Goose, R&B Beef is for kids

Keri Whohaw! not Whohaw! MADGASCAR!
Lame!!! Lame!! Lame!
Go back to behind the scenes and write my hit bitch. You haven't been around for too long and the one and only song you have is wack, until you entertain me, then we'll see who is turning who on.
Songwriters now a day forget their place and their composition notebooks at home and replace it with their ego.
For someone who wrote a bunch of hits from Touch-Omarion to Beyonces Love in the Club verse you dress like a bum, where is your money, I’m sure the musical industry paid you quite enough? How do you write hits for others and yet completely hit the mark with your own career.
In no possible way do you even have the right to come out your face and call Beyonce and Ciara out, you wrote some songs, you got paid, you cashed the checks, you brought a bum hat, now keep it moving.
Ugh so disgusted with her right now, my mind is on freeze.
Stay tune for more of Keri One Hit Hilson
Lame!!! Lame!! Lame!
Go back to behind the scenes and write my hit bitch. You haven't been around for too long and the one and only song you have is wack, until you entertain me, then we'll see who is turning who on.
Songwriters now a day forget their place and their composition notebooks at home and replace it with their ego.
For someone who wrote a bunch of hits from Touch-Omarion to Beyonces Love in the Club verse you dress like a bum, where is your money, I’m sure the musical industry paid you quite enough? How do you write hits for others and yet completely hit the mark with your own career.
In no possible way do you even have the right to come out your face and call Beyonce and Ciara out, you wrote some songs, you got paid, you cashed the checks, you brought a bum hat, now keep it moving.
Ugh so disgusted with her right now, my mind is on freeze.
Stay tune for more of Keri One Hit Hilson
Come on man the beef is so not needed!!!!!!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Where Are They Now?

I'm pretty sure everyone has myspace but when we all got old enough for Facebook, alot of people found their friends from like daycare days. A couple of friends I ran into in the networking world are doing big things. About majority of are in college and no kids, which is cool and maybe one or two have a bundle of joy. But basically no one is dead or strung out so horribly they cant spell their first name.
My homie Dallas surprised me when he put up a status to join his blog and when I went to check it out, I found more friends who was chasing the Music Dream, and they are darn good at it.
Coming from a performing arts elementary school, I was already aware of my long lost friends' talents but it's nice to know they are using them to get to bigger and better places.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Rip That Runway Sexy People
Last night the annual Rip The Runway show came on and I was not dissappointed. The designers were sexdy and fun. But also remembered to dress their models with that same attitude. Famailiar faces were everywhere from Korto who was also a competitive designer in Project Runway 5. I love this lady and her designs so much I can not wait for her collection to come out. 

How you make an outfit out of seatbelts??? Beautiful! Thats talking about safety.
Laurieann Gibson was there stirring up trouble as usual, love her!
She knows how to get down and make you feel stupid when need be. Its called action Bitch!
On BET she had an All-Access Pass and she made sure she got us the best scoop. BOOMCAT!
Opulent and Decadent and we're OUT!

Let me tell you when I was first introduced to the drink I was head over heels, and now have a bottle of my very own that helped me celebrate my past birthday. This drink is so underrated. Pink, bubbly and sophiscated.
But anywhooters, the performances were good despite the fact Stanky Leg was part of it, quite honestly its a catchy tune. The hosts looked stunning and again the models were amazing.

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